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Selasa, 6 Disember 2011

PerFume fARm ContEs I Mounth NovEmber


 What should you do to win the fabulous prize from VicTOria'S SecReT?

   1. Write an entry entitled "PERFUMES FARM CONTEST | Month November"
   2. Put your most cheerful picture inside your entry.
   3. Link your entry to this site.
   4. Comment this entry and put your entry link so that I can visit your page  
   5. The most cheerful picture will be the winner.

The ClosiNg tiMe is oN 15/12/11 at 9.00am

hurmmm ape lagi jum la rerami kite try contes nih..:) saye pun try jugak..hehe gud luck guysss....


yeahhh saye nak MENANG VicToria's SecreAT....;)

ok bey! peace yawww...:)xoxo                       

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